Treatment of Gum Disease

Case Study

Gum therapy/root planing

Aims to reduce inflammation with removal of plaque and calculus above and below the gum, in order to establish health. The inner wall of the periodontal pocket may also be removed with the use of local anaesthetic to make your gums numb.

Surgery (Access flap surgery)

If the disease is severe, gum surgery may be required to access the root surfaces for cleaning and also to remove unhealthy gum tissue. Sedation options will be given if required and painkillers prescribed. Antibiotics and mouth-rinses are usually used as an adjunct to treatment, but alone will not control periodontal disease.


After treatment, recession (shrinkage of your gums) will occur; teeth may appear longer with appearance of gaps between your teeth. Teeth may also be sensitive to cold or hot for a few months. To help with this there are products that may reduce sensitivity. Regular maintenance appointments (every 3-12 months) are required after treatment to prevent recurrence of gum disease or further progression.

Success depends on

Cleaning your teeth well every day and if you smoke cigarettes, give up smoking. We can provide guidance and referrals to help begin to stop smoking if you are motivated. Failure to clean your teeth well will usually result in a poor response to treatment.

After Surgery Care

After surgery care is extremely important.